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"ZONESEC" R&D Project 

“Towards a EU framework for the security of Widezones (ZONeSEC)” – FP7 EU funded project (Project reference: 607292):
The advancement of 24/7 surveillance systems for the security of WideZones with multiple assets at localized scales is of extreme strategic relevance to European economies, industries, authorities and Citizens. In ZONeSEC project, will be deployed secure and interoperable observation data and information management services using open standards, with the aim of cost-effectively reusing them in the surveillance of many other European WideZones.
These services are part of an advanced Knowledge Base (KB) and primarily focused on large scale surveillance with high performance detection of localized abnormal activities and alerts. Semantically enriched domain knowledge representations shall be stored in the KB for supporting high level data fusion and reasoning with reduced uncertainties and false alerts. Surveillance professionals will securely subscribe to the scalable KB services of the ZONeSEC system of systems with customisable visualization features.
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